September 01, 2015 By C! Magazine Staff

2015 Corporate Achievement Award – Toyota


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Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation

Any form of motorsport in the world -whether it be karting, drag racing, circuit, rallying- used to be reserved for a very select few. The costs of equipment and entry, not to mention the cost of being competitive, are prohibitive to those who have talent and passion but not enough means.

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Thanks to Toyota, that’s changing. Offering a professional means of getting into touring car racing, the Toyota Vios Cup has pumped much needed excitement and revived public interest in motorsport. Affordable too, as the Vios Cup makes racing more attainable and affordable, not to mention more relatable to the general public by using the number-one selling automobile in the market.

For their contribution to Philippine motorsport, the 2015 C! Award for Corporate Achievement is given to Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation.

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